3 Ways Clarity Cranks Up Your Career, Saving You Time and Cash
Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels
Is a lack of clarity costing you precious time and cash? Here’s the thing - clarity helps you gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what you desire. And when you have clarity in your career, you operate from a place of authority as oppose to complacency.
So how do you know when clarity is an issue for you? Let’s take a look!
Your Career Without Clarity⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You’re just going through the motions day in & day out⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You dread Mondays, the commute, and are wishing for the weekend. Really, what you're avoiding is how disconnected to your work life you feel. Each day feels the same, your interactions and executions are the same, and it’s repeated 5 days a week. There are no highlights.
You have no idea how your current job relates to your overall purpose⠀⠀⠀
You work hard, but your efforts go unnoticed. You feel like your skills aren’t being utilized. Or, you struggle to connect to the work and don’t see what relevance it creates to anyone or anything outside of your office. You do the job because you’re able to but have lost motivation, productivity, and pride in your work.
You have no clue where you should expect to be in the coming years of your career⠀
You don’t have a short-term plan, let alone a long-term plan. And what started out as a “temporary position until you found something else”, has turned into a five-year gig. Even if you’ve spoken to your managers during review time about the next stages of your career, you aren’t invested or interested enough to push beyond.
Your Career With Clarity⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Your Current Work Becomes Meaningful Because You Understand the Connection to Your Purpose
Purpose means connecting to something greater than yourself. Yet, in your career, it can look a bit different than in your personal life. Connecting to your purpose at work means knowing that the work you create matters. In part, this means you receive recognition for your efforts, as well as others viewing you as competent. But it also means a personal feeling of connecting to clients or other employees, or even to organizations and companies. The work you do isn’t lost in a void where no one sees it, appreciates it, or learns from it. Therefore, you are motivated to not only start but to finish your work. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You Have Relevant Goals With a Straightforward Action Plan⠀⠀
When you set goals with your career plan, it drivesallows direction and provides a framework for achieving milestones. No matter the career, short-term and long-term goals allow you to measure your success. Short-term goals may look like completing a small project or improving some of your hard or soft skills. Long-term goals, of course, take longer periods of time and aren't limited to just promotions. They may also include finishing a large project, acquiring new assets, or winning an award or recognition.⠀⠀⠀⠀
You Experience Increased Happiness
40+ hours a week is a lot of time to spend stressed out just winging it. Stop winging it, sis! It’s time to win at work and bring happiness into your work life. When you find a career that speaks to your purpose, it allows you to set specific and measurable goals for your success. Achieving goals builds confidence, pride, and happiness. And when you understand the methods to continuously increase your salary, to increase your productivity, you spend less time working and open more opportunities to be present in your life.
Next Steps:
If your current career doesn’t pass the clarity checklist, I invite you to join The Winner’s Circle. Clarity is one of our core pillars, meaning you can expect content that touches specifically on topics related to clarity regularly! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with other amazing women looking to increase clarity in their careers as well.