How to Use a SWOT Analysis for Career Development

For the longest, I spent a lot of time working to improve my “weaknesses” - ALL of them - with no real goal in mind other than eliminating weaknesses. What a waste of time! Recently, I realized that my greatest potential for growth is in the area of my greatest strength. Now, this doesn’t mean that I can completely ignore my weaknesses, but I need to be strategic with where I invest my time. A SWOT analysis is the perfect tool to ensure all time and effort is well spent.

This SWOT Analysis Mini Training Video will cover the following:

  • What is a SWOT analysis?

  • Why is a SWOT analysis important?

  • How can a SWOT analysis enrich your career planning process?

  • How often should you complete a SWOT analysis?

Here’s a snapshot of my SWOT analysis strategy:

  • Complete a SWOT analysis every six months. 

  • Highlight the weaknesses that expose me to the most detrimental threats.

  • Highlight my number one strength.

  • Create a plan focused on eliminating immediate threats & developing my greatest strength.


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